Carlos Cruz-Diez

On July 27, 2019, Carlos Cruz-Diez passed away in his beloved city of Paris. He was one of the most prominent color thinkers of the 20th century. The original ideas and proposals that he contributed to contemporary art will endure through his works that feed the collections of the most important museums in the world. There are many cities that proudly display his works of integration to architecture and urban art.


We remember him as a generous and thoughtful person, a true teacher who did not stop transmitting and sharing his humanistic values ​​and his passion for life. Those of us who had the privilege of working alongside him learned from his rigor and dedication to work in search of excellence. As a demonstration of our admiration and gratitude, we will not stop working with his family in the dissemination of his thoughts and the preservation of his work. Today, the Cruz-Diez workshops and the Cruz-Diez Foundation are proud to give continuity to the various projects that Cruz-Diez left in development before leaving, focusing our efforts on the preservation of his legacy.

©️ Carlos Cruz-Diez Photo by Erika Brunier / Galerie Denise René, 1994


July 27, 2021
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